Birth Secret

The banquet today was actually set by Lu Lan who secretly met with Jiao Yue, her objective was to suck up to Jiao Yue and mess with Song Ye.

However, no one expected the cowardly invisible person—Song Ye—would suddenly go against her parents' wishes and hit Jiao Yue first.

After the slap echoed in the air, everything lost control.

Lu Lan wanted to pounce forward and grab onto Song Ye's hair, but the latter moved quickly and avoided her, causing her to land straight on Jiao Yue.

"Aiyo." The impact of the flying purple potato was huge and almost broke Jiao Yue's spine as she was flattened by the table of dishes. All the plates and cutlery dropped all over the floor, causing the scene to be chaotic and embarrassing.



Children from both sides gasped and hurriedly helped the people up. Song Chengen and Song Chengmei angrily hollered, "What are you? How dare you hit my mother? Let me tell you: our side will never let this slide."

As he exclaimed harshly, Song Chengen's gaze landed ruthlessly on Song Ye's face. When everyone started comparing her and him when she entered, he was already upset in his heart. Even if they were relatives, she had no right to be brought up in the same sentence as him.

From his pair of eyes filled with hatred, Song Ye understood what he was thinking. She smiled coldly as she turned around to leave the scene while stepping on the leftovers on the floor.

She did not want to quarrel with a bunch of crazy dogs, but someone impervious to the situation tried to vent his anger on her.

"Song Ye, you can't leave." Song Yuanzhi raised his hands to stop Song Ye, and his gaze was as angry as the crowd. "You've caused a disaster here, and yet you still have that attitude of yours. Let me tell you: if you don't apologize to Big Auntie, you will never get to leave this door."

Compared to the others, Song Yuanzhi was the most annoyed. Song Ye was just a child so all the faults she committed would most likely implicate him. Paying for all the food and other compensation in the restaurant would burn a huge hole in his pocket.

So, Song Ye could not leave. She had to finish this deal, so that Jiao Yue would not find trouble with him.

"Go away. Don't make me say it twice." Song Ye's eyebrows furrowed more than ever, and her voice was so cold until it could freeze someone.

If it were her partners from her previous life that saw her expression, they would have run away in fright. All of them knew that it was very scary when Song Ye was angry.

However, Song Yuanzhi did not know, had even acted like a father, and extended his hand to hold her arm. "Don't make me repeat myself as well. Go and apologize to Big Auntie right now, ah!"

Before he finished his sentence, Song Yuanzhi felt a pain in his wrist. At that moment, his entire person was thrown up and flipped 180 degrees in the air before slamming onto the floor heavily, causing him to yell out in pain.

Song Ye single-handedly threw the person and under everyone's stares, the pair of white sports shoes stepped on the man's chest. Looking down from high up, she could clearly see the confusion and pain in his face. Coldly, she opened her mouth. "Are you shocked? The blood circulating inside me isn't even the Song family's so it's not surprising if I'm naturally cold-blooded and harsh."

Before she finished her sentence, Song Yuanzhi—who was on the floor—widened his eyes and forgot his struggle. "You…"

"Don't need to ask me why I know." Song Ye moved her gaze and swept past Lu Lan, Song Tingting, and Song Meimei one by one as her tone became even colder. "I should be grateful for you saving my life back then, but since I was three, I started doing all the chores in the Song family and served Song Tingting and Song Meimei at home. During the winter and summer breaks, I'll go out to work and give household money; but I eat your leftovers and wear whatever you don't want.

"Whenever Lu Lan is unhappy with me, she would hit me, kick me like a punching bag, and scold me as and when she liked. You've seen all of these happening, but you've never stopped it. I have already returned all that I owed you for raising me up the past fifteen years. From now on, none of us owe each other anything."

Her calm and clear words resonated within the room for a very long time. From the initial shock, everyone became silent and speechless. Even though Song Ye was not part of the Song family and they were biased against her all these years, they never expected Song Yuanzhi's family to mistreat Song Ye in this manner.

Lu Lan and her two daughters were as guilty as ever. In their silence, only Song Yuanzhi's thinking was different from the rest. He could not move on the floor, but he still had a very anxious look on his face. "Song Ye, you know where she is, don't you? Tell me, tell me…"

The 'she' that he was referring to was Song Ye's biological mother. Back then, she carried Song Ye and ended up in Cloud City, where she met Song Yuanzhi by chance and had even entrusted him with her daughter. Song Yuanzhi fell in love with the beautiful woman at first sight and had even reached the stage of not marrying anyone else but her, angering Old Master Song until he had heart diseases and said that he wanted to burn the jinx, Song Ye. In the end, Song Yuanzhi waited bitterly but to no avail so he had to marry the old and uncultured, Lu Lan.

However, after so many years, there was still that woman in his heart.

The hated person must have areas where one would pity him about. At this very moment, Song Yuanzhi was just a devoted man that went crazy for love. However… "I will never tell you her whereabouts."

Being a person for two lives, she had never experienced love. Even if she did not know what it was, she did not think that Song Yuanzhi's devotion was a type of love. If not, when Lu Lan purposely hid her appearance back then, Song Yuanzhi would never have distanced himself and become cold to her.

As for that woman—her biological mother, she would find her.

However, now was not the time.

Ignoring the hypocrite faces in the entire room, Song Ye turned around and left the room.

The moment the door slammed shut, Lu Lan recovered from her senses. "Don't go! We can't let her go. Song Yuanzhi, if she leaves, what are we going to do?"

This holler pulled everyone back from their memories to reality. When Song Yuanzhi saw the pathetic sight of all the cutlery and food on the floor and thought of needing to compensate for them, he hurriedly crawled up from the floor. "Song Ye!"

He opened the door, and the battered Song Yuanzhi bumped into someone… but it was not Song Ye. Outside the room, there were two men dressed in formal suits and shiny shoes. Even if he did not know the brand of their clothes—just by looking at the watch on his wrist, Song Yuanzhi started feeling inferior and wanted to lower his head to apologize. However, he suddenly saw a familiar figure from the corner of his eyes. "Song—Song Ye."

The bump from Song Yuanzhi made Zhao Zhen's chest hurt—and just as he was about to furrow his eyebrows and scold him, the man unexpectedly called Song Ye's name. He could not help but to turn and look at the young girl in front. "Song Ye, you know him?"

"Mm." Song Ye did not deny it, but she did not want to elaborate on the topic as she turned to look at the man next to Zhao Zhen. "CEO Wang, if you trust me, you can leave me a seat in the next activity."

Wang Yutang laughed out loud. "I've long heard that there was someone capable helping CEO Zhao, but I didn't think that I would have the honors of meeting her today. Ms. Song, don't you worry, I'll personally hand you the invite at that time. I love the previous green apple, but what a pity the Qu family was there. Haha, if you have quality goods the next time around, don't forget to leave some for me, Wang Yutang."

"Haha, don't worry CEO Wang."

CEO Wang? CEO Zhao? Green apple?

Song Yuanzhi listened on with confusion at the side. Since when did his daughter, Song Ye, know all these people?