Who Are You?

By the time the two of them returned to Yu Fu Jewelry, it was already afternoon. The winter sunlight that shone on the glass panes reflected all sorts of colors on the various jades in the shop, causing the world inside to look differently.

The service staff at the door crisply greeted, "Hello, Boss!" Her gaze landed on Song Ye who had outstanding looks. She was still curious about Zhao Zhen's attitude towards Song Ye at the shop previously.

"Where's Yun Hua?" Song Ye took a look around the store but did not see the familiar face so she turned around and asked the service staff.

The service staff was taken aback before she answered, "She's resting in the lounge. She doesn't look too well."

"Mm, thanks." Song Ye thanked her and directly walked towards the shop's lounge.

When the service staff saw that Zhao Zhen did not have any reaction, a realization hit her. She could confirm that Yun Hua was not Zhao Zhen's lover; she was related to this child instead.

Dun! Dun! Dun! The whole way to the lounge, Song Ye's footsteps were kind of anxious. In her previous life, Yun Hua lost her life in the mountains and did not even come to Cloud City to live with her. She was used to being alone, but she should not have left Yun Hua alone at Yu Fu Jewelry without caring about her.

The last room in the corridor of the second floor was the lounge. At this time, the door was closed tightly. At one glance, the room was quiet; but Song Ye's extremely sensitive ear could hear some noises in the room. Secretly, she crept towards the room and placed her palm on the door. In no time, she could see everything within the lounge clearly.

However, the scene that Song Ye saw caused her heart to skip a beat, and there were cracks on her cold face. Without hesitation, she raised her leg and kicked down the door to rush inside, immediately holding Yun Hua's wrist tightly in her palm. She used a lot of strength, which made her wrist make a cracking sound, before it hurt until her hand had to let loose; and the fruit knife dropped on the floor.

"Song… Ye…" Yun Hua's face was as white as a sheet, and there were tears in her shaky eyes. She looked at the young girl in front of her deeply, and as she thought of her, she suddenly went back in time and remembered the night that they escaped.

Song Ye ignored her very pale face, and her tone was filled with ice. "You want to die?" The bloodstains on the fruit knife had not hardened, and the wounds on the woman's thin arms were still seeping with blood. Seeing Yun Hua's self-harming scene personally caused a pang in her heart, and uncontrollably, the anger rushed up her head.

"Die…" Yun Hua muttered as the tears in her eyes dropped, and she stubbornly shook her head while her entire self was huddled in Song Ye's arms. "I don't want to die; I don't want to live that life again. Song Ye, I'm very dirty. I lived so dirtily for those few years. Even if I lie on a clean bed now, I can still smell the stink on my body. I really hate it. I hate that I couldn't kill them myself. Those jerks, scoundrels!"

The feelings hidden deep in Song Ye's heart had used all the strength in Yun Hua's body, following the tears that broke out; all the feelings and memories she did not want to remember exploded. The two bloody arms stuck close to her side and had stained the both of them.

Song Ye's body tensed up, and her usually cold face was stained by tears.

After the age of fifteen, there was no such thing as weakness and tears in her life. Harming oneself was just like insulting oneself. She rather bit on people's meat to survive so she did not know how to comfort the woman who was hurt so badly mentally.

In the end, she could only stiffen her body and gently place her hand behind her back to pat her, mimicking how adults took care of children.

Perhaps it was because she and Song Ye had similar experiences and that she was also the one who pulled her out of the hellhole so Yun Hua was dependent on Song Ye. After she broke down, she could finally sleep in peace.

When Song Ye walked out of the room, Zhao Zhen was standing near the window and looked at her with a complicated gaze. He was hesitant with his words. "Yun Hua, is she… okay?"

Song Ye's face was a bit dark, but she nodded and did not say much. "Uncle Zhao, is there a computer in the shop?"

"…Yes." Zhao Zhen was taken aback, and he opened the door to the neighboring room. "I bought this computer two years ago, but I didn't have time to learn it so I left it here and didn't use it."

Song Ye walked over to turn on the computer as expectedly saw that the computer was downloading some software. While it was installing, she turned to Zhao Zhen. "Uncle Zhao, I'm still underage and require a new guardian after I leave the Song family. Temporarily, I can only think of you. What do you think?"

She had just started the reliving of her life so it was not easy to use her old connections. The only one she could rely on would be Zhao Zhen, her business partner.

"Be your guardian?!" Zhao Zhen was really taken aback. One, because he had neglected Song Ye's age; and two, because he never expected Song Ye to trust him so much. Right now, Song Ye was a millionaire, and whoever became her guardian would have a certain right to her fortune. Even though many teenagers had said that they wanted to sever ties with their family as a result of their rebellious phase and Zhao Zhen had always despised that—after meeting the Song family in the afternoon, Zhao Zhen really wanted to give Song Ye a like for her decisiveness. "Okay, as long as you trust me, I have no problem."

"Mm, then I need to trouble you to take care of Sister Yun." Song Ye opened the webpage, and after Zhao Zhen left the room, her ten fingers zoomed across the keyboard as numerous websites opened on her desktop. The tiny words dazzled people's eyes, but Song Ye did not even look at it. She directly changed one of the codes in between and removed her traces.

She hacked into Cloud City's accounts, and in three minutes, she moved her account under Zhao Zhen's name and conveniently put Yun Hua's identity as her sister.

After completing the procedures, she moved her fingertips again and hacked into the official records of Lin City. She found the group of people that were caught in the big mountain and confirmed where they were jailed. When she was about to log out, she suddenly noticed a warning sign on the menu page.

That… she was being tracked.

Piak! Piak! Song Ye's fingertips did not stop at all and hurriedly used all the IP addresses in Cloud City to hide her tracks. After attacking with all sorts of data—in ten seconds, the other party's tracking stopped, leaving a single message on the webpage.

'Who are you'

Song Ye swept across the webpage and looked at the message that was so stiff until it did not have a question mark. For some reason, a person's cold face appeared in her brain.


At the base deep in the mountains of Cloud City, Qin Zhan was standing beside the computer and had a cigarette in his hands. Watching the black screen, he instructed the soldiers using the computer after a while. "Tell Lin City's prison that someone wants to break out of prison."