Bet of Getting Into First Class

After she finished her few sentences, everyone in class nodded in agreement.

From the corner of Song Ye's eyes, she could see Tang Meiling standing upright and having a delighted smile on her face. Her words that seemed like advice were actually used to trample on Song Ye's face to butter up to the teacher.

It was Song Ye's fault as her grades were at the bottom of the class; weak students had no right of speech, and this had become a habit.

However, now that her soul was mature, she looked at things differently.

Song Ye suddenly thought of something, and she stared at Tang Meiling's side view as she spoke, "Monitor spoke up for me in goodwill, but I don't quite agree with the contents. My ambition for this examination is indeed to get into Shi Yi High. I heard that there's a space in class one so to get a better learning environment with better teachers, I will get into that class using my grades for this term's examinations."

"What?" Tang Meiling looked back in shock and stared at Song Ye as if she saw a ghost. The sentence that came out of her mouth was, "Even you want to get into class one, too?"

Song Ye looked back, and her lips curved up slightly. "I heard that monitor had this plan, too." No, she did not hear it from someone else; it was something that Tang Meiling had said to insult her when she was being all arrogant. She said that she would be part of the elites soon, and she wanted to be the belle of class one. After being interrupted by her just now, she suddenly thought of this.

Now, as Tang Meiling looked at the smile on Song Ye's face, for some reason; she felt that she was purposely putting herself against her.

However, class one's grades were at the top of the school. With her grades at the bottom of the class, Song Ye must be daydreaming to think that she had a chance to get into the class.

Not even Tang Meiling looked down on her, but even the others and the teacher on the podium felt that Song Ye was being ridiculous.

"Okay, since you want to take it, then I'll let you sign up for it. If you get it, then Teacher will stand at the classroom door and welcome you out." The form teacher clenched her teeth and smiled viciously. If Song Ye could not get into the class, then her poor teacher's qualifications would definitely not allow her to stay in her class either.

As a result—on the name list for the make-up examination into class one, class five had people that signed up. Everyone could tell that Song Ye was fighting with Tang Meiling, but they were all waiting for Song Ye to be the laughingstock of class five.

Even Song Ye's loyal protector and table partner, Wang Tiechuan, also did not believe it as the grades were obvious to him after all. He could not help but comfort her: "Song Ye, I know you want to go class one because of Brother Xu, but you can't get this kind of thing just by working hard at the last minute."

After successfully shutting the mouths of two people that she did not like, Song Ye was in a very good mood; and her lips had rarely maintained its curve. When she suddenly heard Wang Tiechuan's words, she could not react on time. "You said Xu Zihang is in class one?"

"Yeah, Big Brother has the best grades amongst all of us and has good grades in class one. Hey, don't you know?" Wang Tiechuan suddenly realized after explaining. When he saw Song Ye shaking her head decisively, he awkwardly touched his nose. "I thought… ahem. If you want to get into class one, why not I ask Big Brother for help and let him tutor you?"

Song Ye shook her head to show that there was no need for it and ignored Wang Tiechuan's strange reaction as she picked up her exercise book and started to do the questions.

Wang Tiechuan thought for a while. Since he could not find out anything from Song Ye but was still very curious about the incident, he could not hold it in and brought up the matter in front of Xu Zihang after class. "Big Brother, is there… really nothing between you and Song Ye?"

At that time, Xu Zihang was throwing a few love letters into the dustbin. When he heard that, he raised his eyebrows and had a playful look on his face. "Do you think I'll like her?"

Wang Tiechuan thought for a while before shaking his head. It was not that Song Ye was not pretty, but his Big Brother had not much feelings for any girl.

Xu Zihang picked up his bag and walked to the entrance. When he saw that Wang Tiechuan was still scratching his head in deep thoughts, he purposely extended his voice. "As for whether she likes me or not… I don't know about that." Of course, he felt that Song Ye was more interested in his position as the 'Big Brother'.

No matter how many rumors flew around outside, Song Ye would focus on doing practice questions and read textbooks without a fail. An entire week had passed. Other than receiving Yun Hua's call, she did not have the Song family—that caused trouble—appear in front of her. This allowed her to spend her days in comfort.

A week later, the examination was done in an individual classroom; and a total of ten students came to do the test. The questions were set by the teacher from class one, and the marking and scoring of the paper would also be done by class one.

After Song Ye was done answering the paper and wanted to hand it up, she saw Tang Meiling sitting in the first row being so nervous until big beads of sweat rolled down her forehead.

"Teacher, I'm done answering and handing in my paper now." She handed in her paper and purposely raised her voice. As expected, Tang Meiling raised up her face in shock as Song Ye nonchalantly walked out of class, leaving all the stunned faces behind.

The examination was done during the weekends so the school was very quiet. She took out a book and sat under a tree to enjoy the peaceful time.

After reading for less than half an hour, she heard hurried footsteps coming from behind and saw a shadow sitting beside her heavily. Song Ye moved her body in time but saw Wang Tiechuan very anxious. "Song Ye, Big Brother, Big Brother is being surrounded. All our people have been brought away."

At this time, Wang Tiechuan was in a very sorry state. Other than the bruises and swells on his face, there were also bloodstains on his clothes; one could tell that they were beaten up badly.

"What happened?" Song Ye closed her book, and her face was still calm with no intentions of standing up.

Wang Tiechuan held his ribs and told the whole story with pauses in between. "It's the Low Tiger Gang. Previously, Big Brother offended… offended them. Their men were injured so they specifically came up to find us. Big Brother took a stab for me so I ran out, but I… I don't know who I should find." He also did not know what happened to him, but when he recalled the scene of Song Ye stepping up to save him at the slope, he suddenly ran all the way to school.

When he was finished and calmed down, he lowered his head in disappointment. No matter how good Song Ye was, the other party was a gang. How could students like them handle this?

This was the first time Wang Tiechuan felt that there was still a huge distance between him and an actual gang.

When he was still lost, there were movements beside him. After much rustling, a clear voice came from above. "Let's go, lead the way."

Wang Tiechuan suddenly lifted his head and squinted his eyes due to the dizzying sunlight. Vaguely, he saw Song Ye's good-looking chin and the deep gaze when she looked down. That look caused a whir in his brain as he hurriedly crawled up. "This direction. They went to the river."

Song Ye followed behind him the entire way. When they were nearing the river, they could vaguely hear fighting and scolding sounds. She looked over and saw a bunch of teenagers with colorful hair surrounding Xu Zihang and beating him up.

"Haha, Xu Zihang, Young Master Xu, I can't believe you have a day like this, too. You got away previously, but this time, let's see who else will save you."