Top Student in Third Middle School

Bang! Bang! Bang! The sound of the fist hitting the muscle resounded in the empty yard. Xu Zihang threw the knife on the floor and used his fists to vent the hatred in his heart. In the dark night sky, the earlier cool and handsome appearance disappeared; but from Song Ye's view, she could still see the tears falling on his face.

Towards the end, Zhou Zheng was lifted by the collar and had basically turned to a cripple. Xu Zihang's eyes reddened as he asked him word by word. "Do you remember Xu Ziying who died in your club?"

Even though Zhou Zheng's face was swollen until one could not see his expression carefully, the moment that his body tensed up had revealed his emotions. He lifted his head and looked up at Xu Zihang weirdly. Then, he realized that the young man's facial features were very similar to the girl who had died previously. "You're her relative?"

"That's right." Xu Zihang clenched his teeth tightly and grinned. "It's been three years. I can finally take revenge for her."

Once he said the word 'revenge', it was as if it burned the rational side of Xu Zihang's mind. He picked up the knife on the floor and as Zhou Zheng watched on horrifyingly, the knife went down.

The smell of fresh blood perforated the air, which smelled like rust. The blood spurted out profusely and soon made a huge blood puddle on the floor. The remaining members of Low Tiger Gang saw their Big Brother's body in another place and were all petrified.

Song Ye kept the gun into her pocket as she stood up and walked to the door. When she passed by the corpse, she made the first command after taking over the Low Tiger Gang. "To express your sincerity, you will handle everything here. One week later, I want all the brothers in the Low Tiger Gang to know that Cloud City is under my Night Gang's control."

Night Gang. Ye Gang.

When Xu Zihang killed Zhou Zheng, Song Ye suddenly had a realization. Since all the people under her were useful, she should just expand it and make it big. Living again, there was no such thing as normal in her bones. In these long and dry months, she would be responsible for disrupting the order in the world.

From the moment that Zhou Zheng died, the Night Gang was officially established. In the night of freezing winter, no one expected that a small gang with only ten-odd members would eventually become the entire Country Z. Even the world could not comprehend its existence.

Afterward, Xu Zihang kept silent for quite a few days and gradually stepped out of the horrors of killing someone. When he heard from Chuanzi and the rest about how they had claimed the Low Tiger Gang's territory, he became even more impressed with Song Ye.

Four days later, the results for the substitution examination for the spot in third grade, class one was announced. The first on the list was not the elites in class two or the confident Tang Meiling, but a hardly-known small character. In a short time, everyone started talking about it.

When the form teacher for third grade, class five heard about this, she thought that she was hallucinating.

"What? Did you say that the person who got into class one was Song Ye? That's impossible, absolutely impossible." Being familiar with Song Ye's previous grades, the form teacher immediately rejected the authenticity of the results and had even gone to find the supervising teacher. "I know Song Ye's capabilities very well. She definitely copied someone else's work."

The supervising teacher from class one was also a very proud person. When she was accused in front of everyone else that she did not supervise the examination properly, the anger grew in her heart as she took out Song Ye's paper and slammed it on the table. "If you don't believe me, look at this yourself.

"More than ten people took the examination together. Back then, Song Ye was the first one who handed in the paper, and her scores were fifty marks above the rest. If you said she copied other people's work, why don't you say that she knew the answer in advance?"

A few teachers picked up the paper and looked at it seriously and had all kinds of compliments for Song Ye's answers. Even one of them started criticizing. "With her type of qualifications, why wasn't she in class one from the very start? The examinations are looming; her capabilities can't be hidden just like that."

At that moment, the form teacher of class five was stumped and almost fainted. In the end, as logic was not on her side, she grabbed her books and went to class. When she passed by the entrance, she saw Tang Meiling coming straight at her.

"Monitor Tang, why are you so anxious?" The form teacher knitted her eyebrows as her anger from the office had not subsided.

Tang Meiling's pair of eyes had already become as red as a rabbit's and did not even look at the form teacher's facial expression properly. The moment she opened her mouth, she started complaining. "Teacher, we all know what Song Ye is like. How can she get into class one? Did she use connections? That day, I saw that she didn't even do the questions seriously."

Use connections…

Once she said that, the form teacher was frightened until she broke out in cold sweat and immediately scolded. "Monitor Tang, what nonsense are you saying?" She did not even care about what situation she was in and let her mouth shoot.

At this time, it was coincidentally time for lessons so all the teachers were packing their items and going for class. Tang Meiling's words were heard by a few teachers, and all of their faces became as black as a pot as they smiled insincerely. "Oh, so this is how class five teaches their students. We've finally seen it for ourselves.

"Last time, Monitor Tang of class five looked really obedient, but I didn't expect her to have such a calculative mind. Tang Meiling, we have no relations with Song Ye at all. Since all of you don't believe her test paper scores, then I'll put it up at the notice board later for all of you to learn from her."

All the literature people knew how to use their words wisely and precisely, and they did not even need to curse to scold people. In a short time, she had stumped both the form teacher of class five and Tang Meiling brilliantly.

On that day, the teacher from class one really pinned Song Ye's test papers up. When the numerous students saw the answers that were as perfect as if it was printed on the paper, all of them gave a thumbs-up.

Her accidental words made Song Ye famous overnight, and she was even titled the 'Top Student of Third Middle School'.

The next morning, Wang Tiechuan had purposely told Xu Zihang earlier and pulled him over to watch a good show. He even said that he had to watch Song Ye avenge her insults.

On the whole way there, Xu Zihang had heard about how worthless they viewed her and how much anger she had to put up with. When he arrived at the classroom door, he saw Song Ye walking out with her bag; and the form teacher and Tang Meiling were just standing at the door.

Wang Tiechuan thought that the main characters were there, and he was prepared for a good show. Cluelessly, he said suddenly. "Oh! Song Ye, are you leaving just like that? Just nice, I'll send you off with Teacher."


At that time, everyone gasped loudly. The form teacher, who was still forcing a smile and protecting herself, was instantly stunned.

Everyone in class had heard about their bet that day. Now that Song Ye had successfully got into class one, the form teacher had already lost a lot of her face; and standing at the classroom door to see her off with her eyes was the most she could endure. She did not expect Wang Tiechuan would suddenly say that sentence brainlessly.

Song Ye was very impressed with Wang Tiechuan's courage. When she looked in front, she saw Xu Zihang and the rest standing there. She nodded, and her gaze landed deeply on the form teacher. Politely, she said, "Thank you for seeing me off. Goodbye."

  1. Night in Chinese is Ye, which has the same pronunciation as Song Ye's first name.