
The man's build was very big, and every muscle of his body had experienced and undergone battles to maintain the optimum state and power it had. Together with the cold aura around his body, Song Ye felt that the thing leaning on her was a stone—a rock that could not be moved.

"What are you doing? Let go!" No matter how cold Song Ye was and how much she tried to avoid suspicion, she could not stand still when someone was trampling all over her. She tried to shake her wrist loose, and anger filled her pretty face.

Qin Zhan looked down and could coincidentally see Song Ye's black and bright eyes, which were very clear and child-like. Even if she was angry, it could not ruin her beautiful face. With one hand, he held the other party's wrist and used a leg to trap her underneath. It would not hurt her and would definitely not let her escape. This professional method of his made Song Ye feel insulted like a bird in a cage.

However, her anger did not get a response from the other party. The man landed his gaze on her face and said clearly but slowly. "Your photos all have great angles with no mistakes at all. If this isn't a talent, then you must have been trained for it."

When he expressed his suspicions, he observed the shock in Song Ye's heart. The man's rough fingers and palm had searched her bit by bit, and the ticklish feeling made her very uncomfortable. If she did not know that the person was checking on her, Song Ye really had the feeling of being seduced.

However, a man like Qin Zhan was like a metal tree that would never blossom.

In her previous life, she was very confident in her appearance. No matter how she disguised herself, this face had saved her from countless dangerous scenarios as the only person that could remain so calm with great observation skills after seeing her would only be this stone.

After checking in detail, Qin Zhan did not find anything suspicious. The skin under his touch was very soft, and her joins were very thin; it should be a pair of hands that rarely touched weapons.

"Mister, are you done checking?" Seeing the suspicion fade away from his eyes, Song Ye opened her mouth coldly and pushed the other party away before arranging her clothes.

"Sorry." Qin Zhan moved back and apologized politely, but there was still a strange feeling in his heart.

Song Ye sneered before she decisively sat there and ignored him. Actually, her heart was already beating very quickly as—within the last ten minutes of interacting with him—Song Ye had already realized how formidable the man was. No matter whether it was his fighting skills or his observation skills, he would definitely be a top fighter. Even if she had met Qin Zhan at her prime in the previous life, she had to deal with him carefully.

Now, she felt that it was better sitting opposite him than walking around blindly and arousing suspicion outside.

The atmosphere became very tense because of this incident. Vaguely, Song Ye heard a voice from the outside followed by footsteps; the women's giggles were as clear as ever.

"Hm? Cousin Qian Qian, why don't you go dance? Don't you want to show off in front of that Young Master Qin?" The moment the child-like voice sounded, Song Ye found it very familiar and was taken aback by the 'Young Master Qin' at the end of her sentence.

"I've danced a few rounds and my legs are starting to hurt, but he has not even appeared. If it wasn't for Master Qu's introduction, I wouldn't even bother with him. He's so cold and not even gentle at all." The other woman's voice was gentle and soft, and she sounded slightly spoiled.

Song Ye completely believed her comments; which woman would be stupid enough to face a rock? If she did not bore herself to death, she would hold it in until she died.

"Hey, you can't say that. He's so handsome and was specifically brought by Master Qu. Perhaps he's from the capital. There's gold everywhere, and if you marry over, you'll definitely be much richer. It's better than staying in such a small place like Stone City."

When she heard this, Song Ye knitted her brows as she did not have a good impression of women who were gold diggers and wanted to have a life of luxury, just by marrying into a rich family.

When she heard the duo come closer, Song Ye could not help but to look in front of her; but the star of the gossip did not even look awkward at all. She casually picked up a glass wine and stayed still.

Ka! Ka! Ka! The high heel sounds came closer, and when a goose yellow outfit and a purple gown came into the lounge area, there was a clear coldness in the air.

"Hey! Young Master Qin!" The girl, Qian Qian—who was wearing the purple gown—gasped in surprise. Her eyes sparkled, and she started to become guilty. "I didn't expect Young Master Qin to be here."

The other girl beside her also put on a look and greeted as she lowered her head. "Hello, Young Master Qin." Her heart was beating very rapidly as she did not know if Qin Zhan had heard what they said outside. She raised her head to take a look, and her breath was immediately taken away by the handsome face on the couch.

Qin Zhan was not the handsome prince type; he was in the military for many years so his sitting posture and his aura were very firm and would give women a sense of security. Together with his handsome face, he looked like a very stylish man on the magazine covers.

When Song Ye saw the girl wearing the yellow dress, she raised her eyebrows and was convinced that the roads in this world were very narrow; and enemies were bound to meet.

"Wang Han, let's go." Qian Qian was very awkward as she held Wang Han's hand and wanted to leave.

However, the latter's eyeballs were stuck onto Qin Zhan's body and pulled Qian Qian back to advise her. "Cousin, why should we go? This is a good opportunity; you should take it."

Afterward, Wang Han pulled Qian Qian and sat in the middle of the sofa, with Qin Zhan on their right and Song Ye on their left.

The two of them looked at Qin Zhan, and when they saw that his expression did not change as he kept pouring wine for himself, they were immediately relaxed and thought that he did not hear them previously. When the situation settled down, they naturally noticed the strange atmosphere.

Actually, from the first time she entered, she noticed the beautiful girl in the black dress; but she did not know that it was her enemy and was still trying to observe what kind of relationship she had with Qin Zhan.

After watching for half a day and seeing that Qin Zhan did not care about Song Ye, she inferred that the girl in the black dress was a competitor that wanted to marry into a rich family. She had a plan in her heart as she immediately held Qian Qian's arm. "Cousin, look at all the people who came here today. There are so many girls; I bet eighty percent of them came here to meet wealthy people. Girls these days are really incredible."

She said this sentence interestingly as she had suddenly removed herself from the group of girls that attended the party.

When Song Ye thought about what she said outside, she could not help but look over and see if the girl's brain was fully developed.

However, that one look made Wang Han think that she was angered as she took the chance to accuse her. "Hehe, this Missy, please don't be offended. I'm talking about the calculative woman outside. You're looking at me so fiercely; others might think that you're making a connection with what I said to yourself."