Being Intimate in Public

Song Yazhan whistled. 'Miss Gu is so smart…'

One must know that his boss is an attractive man, has money, and influence, yet he has not fully won Miss Gu over!

He silently gave a thumbs up to Gu Xi in his heart.

Gu Xi pursed her lips and tilted her face to look at Pei Qian.

The atmosphere in the car felt very depressing, which was very unlikely for a man and woman who had spent the night together!

After a long time, Pei Qian softly said, "Is that very important?"

Gu Xi coldly scoffed. "If it was indeed because of me, I would accompany you for a month. However, if you did all this because of Qin Mo, then why should I be the sacrificial item between you both?"

She had just finished her words when he gripped her small face with his warm hand. His palm was a little dry and it gently rubbed against her small face.

His mouth showed a hint of coldness. "Why? Didn't you like him?"

His other hand gripped her waist and pulled her towards his chest. His muscular body pressed against hers and made her unable to move.

He inched closer and they were so close that she could almost count the number of eyelashes he had.

At the same time, she was surprised to find out that his eyelashes were very long, which gave his eyes a deeper look…

Gu Xi tilted her head to the side. "It's none of your business!"

"Is that so?" He gently smiled and suddenly let go of her. He looked at her sideways.

A bad premonition grew in Gu Xi's heart…

She instinctively called out, "I want to get out of the car!"

Without caring about the consequences, she recklessly wanted to open the car door, but it was tightly locked.

Pei Qian ignored her and closed his eyes.

Little did she know, the moment she said it was none of his business, the fury in his heart increased to the highest level!

He could not wait to throw her out of the car and see how she was going to return to Qin Mo's side!

But after he had calmed down, he opened his eyes and looked at her with a burning gaze. "Gu Xi, you can never go back!"

With a cautious look, she glared at him.

But he curled his lips and said word by word, "Qin Mo can pick up any women who others have used, but he can't take mine!"

Gu Xi gritted his teeth. "Mr. Pei, if we only have a relationship documented by a contract, then please do not do such silly things!"

He said nothing and had a stoic expression.

Gu Xi thought about the words he said earlier and her heart became heavy over time.

What kind of relationship did Qin Mo and Pei Qian have?

Was there a grudge between them? To the extent that they used her as a sacrificial lamb…

Wasn't it ridiculous?

Gu Xi suddenly lashed out at Qin Mo. "If you want to seek revenge on Qin Mo, then you better seduce Tang Xinru!"

When she said those words, Song Yazhan almost burst out in laughter!

Tang Xinru?

How could the President like that woman? Moreover, was the President merely seeking revenge?

Pei Qian's face scrunched up in displeasure.

Gu Xi was spouting nonsense, but she was also purposely provoking him!

Looking at his expression now, her heart calmed down!

When the car stopped at the Gu Group's building entrance, Gu Xi pushed the car door open without a second thought…

It attracted the attention of many staff workers… and they did not recognize the car Manager Gu alighted from.

"Gu Xi!" At that moment, Pei Qian got down from the car with her handbag in his hands. "You forgot your bag!"

Gu Xi stood rooted to the ground and her heart boiled… how could he get down the car?

In the split of a second, he was already standing in front of her. He then passed her bag to her.

Gu Xi reached out to take it, but when she touched the bag, he held her and pulled her into his embrace!

Soon, he was kissing Gu Xi. Screams of shock filled the surroundings as the scene commenced!

Gu Xi shot him a glare. But since he was tightly hugging her, she could not break free no matter how she tried—he gave her no chance to move at all.

"Be more focused," he said in a hoarse voice as he repeatedly kissed her lips.

Gu Xi clenched her hands into a fist and punched his back. However, she did not know that in the eyes of others, such actions looked as though she was welcoming another kiss!

"Pei Qian, don't go too far!" She gritted her teeth and did not let him take a step further.

He had agreed that he would not touch her in public!

Pei Qian gave a gentle smile and let her go. Then he stroked her bangs. Pleased, he said, "Go in quickly!"

Since he let her off quite easily, she was shocked.

However, she saw Qin Mo in the next instant…

His car was parked not far away and he looked at them with a deep gaze.

Fury burned in his eyes…

Gu Xi moved her lips before glaring at Pei Qian.

But Pei Qian flashed a faint smile at her and tilted his head. "Do you want to explain to him?"

He lowered his head and his long fingers gently touched her lips before stroking it. His thin lips had a cruel smile. "Gu Xi, you slept with me on the same bed last night and now, we showed our intimacy in public. Do you think you can still clear things up with him?"

Gu Xi's expression turned cold. "You think too much!"

Before Qin Mo could walk over, she walked towards the building. As for Qin Mo, she knew Pei Qian would stop him.

After witnessing such an interesting scene, the employees of Gu Group had seen enough and proceeded to do their things. Moreover, Manager Gu already left for work so who would dare stay behind?

But just after they left…

Qin Mo walked over and threw a punch towards Pei Qian without a word!

Pei Qian dodged and looked at Qin Mo with a cold smile. "Are you feeling uncomfortable now?"

His handsome features were refreshing yet terribly cold. "Then why didn't you think of Gu Xi's feelings when you slept with Miss Tang?"

"Pei Qian, if you have anything against me, come to me! Gu Xi is innocent!" Qin Mo's face was filled with fury!

Compared to his agitated emotions, Pei Qian was much calmer and his thin lips were curled up slightly. "I said before that I liked… her body!"

He paused for a moment before giving a faint smile. "It has nothing to do with you or Qin Song!"

Qin Mo walked towards his car. "Let's talk at your office!"

He opened the car door and the car left the Gu Group very quickly.

But Pei Qian continued to stand there with an indiscernible expression.

Song Yazhan walked over and looked at Qin Mo's car speeding away. "President, are you going to meet him?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Pei Qian softly laughed. "This is the first time Qin Mo regarded me as his elder brother in so many years!"

Song Yazhan could naturally tell that Gu Xi was very important in Qin Mo's heart.

He was slightly hesitating. "President…"

Pei Qian knew what he was going to say and cut him off. "Save your words."

Song Yazhan did not continue his words and silently got in the car.

After half an hour, in the President's secretary's office of Empire Corporation, the Confidential Secretary nervously walked forward. "President, President Qin is waiting for you."

Everyone knew that Empire and the Qin Family's Qin He corporation were not on good terms!

Hence, she did not dare to let President Qin enter.

Pei Qian pondered momentarily before he calmly said, "Let him come in."