You Have to Give Gu Xi Up

Qin Mo sat on the sofa and lit up a cigarette. He then took a few harsh puffs of smoke!

When he raised his eyes, it looked a little red.

"Dad, I can't lose Gu Xi!" His voice quivered as he said those words.

Qin Song stood there and silently looked at his son…

After a long while, he finally said, "You have to give her up!"

With the news between Gu Xi and Pei Qian spreading like wildfire coupled with Gu Xi's personality, how could she even tolerate the incident between Qin Mo and Tang Xinru?

Moreover, Pei Qian…

If Qin Song was already feeling terrible, he felt being in torture now!

Despite knowing that he was the person Pei Qian really wanted to deal with, he had to helplessly see his son Qin Mo lose the love of his life!

He was very much aware that the reason Qin Mo could not beat Pei Qian was not that he was lacking in qualifications, but because he was not as merciless as Pei Qian!

Gu Xi was Qin Mo's soft spot and now Pei Qian's hands are tightly gripping his weakness.

"Qin Mo, dad is becoming old and one day, our family business will belong to you." Qin Song gave a faint smile. "Stop caring about Gu Xi anymore. If you don't have the affinity with her, then forget it."

But Qin Mo coldly scoffed. "It seemed that Xu Shibang gave you a call!"

Qin Song did not deny the truth. "Don't blame him. He wouldn't have made that decision if you did not cause such a big stir!"

Qin Mo extinguished the cigarette bud and lit up another. Seeing it, Qin Mo furrowed his brows, but he remained silent.

"It's my own assets, so it's not related to you at all!" Qin Mo bit his lips. "Also, if you are worried that Qin He Corporation will be ruined in my hands, you can let Lin Wan bear another child for you!"

His words successfully angered Qin Song, for the man pressed his lips into a thin line. "Qin Mo, how could you say that?!"

He must have realized that he was too harsh, thus he calmed down. "I have said before that I won't have another child with Lin Wan…"

"Is that so? It doesn't really matter anyway since isn't that what you are doing all the time?" Qin Mo wore a cold expression. "Once you marry a new girl, you have a child with her and then you abandon the other!"

'Bang!' The ashtray in front of Qin Mo was thrown on the ground.

Qin Song rarely got angry!

The secretary who stood outside heard it too, yet no one dared to enter the room.

Qin Mo touched his burning face and slowly turned around.

Meanwhile, Qin Song kept a sour look. "Qin Mo, you better not let me hear those words again."

Qin Mo laughed coldly. "What now? Have I touched your sore spot?"

As though it was not enough, he continued, "Do you know why Pei Qian wants to snatch Gu Xi from me?"

Qin Song glared at him but he did not care and continued his words. "It is because he was your first son… but you abandoned him. Not only that, what was even more ridiculous…"

Before he could finish his words, Qin Song cut him off. "Qin Mo! This is the last warning!"

He looked silently at his son. "The person who has the least right to look down on me is you!"

All these years, he only had Qin Mo. Only when it was late at night did he dare to think about that son who he had left behind…

That outstanding… son who everyone had to call as President Pei!

Pei Qian was his pride, but also a thorn in his heart!

Qin Mo bitterly laughed. "Is that so? But you didn't know that I would rather not be the young master of this Qin Family!"

Qin Song remained silent for a long time before he lit up a cigarette with quivering hands. After he had taken a few harsh puffs of smoke, he looked at Qin Mo again. "Anyway, this is what you owed Gu Xi! In the future, don't ever meet her again!"

"Is this to repay Gu Xi or for you to repay Pei Qian? Dad, aren't you clearer about this than anyone else?" Qin Mo had a cold expression and his gaze looked as though it could see through everything clearly.

Under that kind of gaze, Qin Song looked as if he was in quite a pathetic state!

He pursed his lips before glaring at his son. He growled, "She has already slept with Pei Qian. Qin Mo, do you want her to sleep with both of you, brothers?"

He had always been a gentleman, yet today he had long forgotten about it and… became impatient!

Qin Mo squinted his eyes and he cleared his throat several times before looking towards Qin Song. He then coldly spatted out a few words. "I don't care!"

"But I care, the Qin Family cares!" Qin Song paced back and forth and almost made a hole through the floor.

Then he stopped, and his clear eyes had a hint of haziness. "Qin Mo, you can have whatever you want, but you just can't have Gu Xi!"

Qin Mo's eyes turned even colder as he stared at his father. His mouth curled up in mockery. "So now you want to be a compassionate father and make up to Pei Qian…"

"But have you ever thought if Pei Qian would accept your kindness?" Qin Mo pulled a soft laugh, but his eyes did not even have a trace of a smile. "Gu Xi is just your sacrificial item."

Qin Song stepped back and looked into his son's foreign eyes with a pale look. He seemed to have aged suddenly…

Qin Mo did not stop and continued to mock him. "You must be thinking of giving him Gu Xi to repay your debt towards him, right?"

"Stop talking!" Qin Song's expression turned sour. "Anyway, I will not let Gu Xi marry into our family."

Qin Mo was not unnerved and the mockery in his smile became deeper. "What if Pei Qian was the one who married her?"

This time, Qin Song remained silent and did not speak at all!

"Dad, please go out! I want to be by myself for a while." Qin Mo's heart felt as though it had frozen into ice.

Qin Song slowly walked out…

When the door was closed, Qin Mo swatted all of the things on the coffee table onto the floor!

However, the sounds of shattered glass could not stop Qin Song's repeated voice in his mind—Pei Qian has already slept with Gu Xi, do you want Gu Xi to sleep with both of you, brothers?

He gulped large breaths into his lungs before tugging on his tie and throwing it harshly on the ground…

It was not that he did not care… he just… could not blame her for doing so!

Qin Mo held his head and slowly squatted down.

'Gu Xi, what must I do to see you smiling at me again!'

When Qin Mo's secretary opened the door and entered, he got a shock…

The office looked like a battleground as though a thief had rummaged through it!

His secretary stammered, "President Qin, Miss… Miss Tang is here!"

Qin Mo's eyes were red when he lifted it up, and with a hoarse voice, he asked, "Tang Xinru?"

His secretary nodded his head.

"Just say I'm not here!" Qin Mo's voice was very cold. "Next time, you don't have to notify me. I won't see her!"

If it was not for Tang Xinru, he and Gu Xi would not have ended up like this either!

The secretary went out. Qin Mo sat at the office table and smoked as he called Xu Shibang. "How is it?"

"I can only say that there is no big problem, but the losses will be very large!" Xu Shibang stayed silent for a moment before he said, "President Qin, we may not have enough cash!"

"How much are we short of?" Qin Mo took one last smoke before extinguishing the fire in the cigarette.