An Annoying Little Devil

Pei Qian momentarily froze before looking at her. He sucked in a breath, and he asked, "Who am I?"

Gu Xi's small hands touched his handsome chin and she tilted her head. "Pei Qian… did you really think that I can't recognize you?"

Her small hands gripped him tightly. "You are such a bastard that I can recognize you even if you turn into ashes!"

Pei Qian felt a little helpless. Was she praising or scolding him?

Gu Xi crawled out of his embrace and took out the contract from her bag!

Her hands gripped it softly while she looked at him… with a clear and calm gaze. She did not look like she was drunk at all!

But Pei Qian knew that she was drunk!

"Isn't our relationship stated clearly on this contract?" Gu Xi stared at him and gave him a soft smile. Under the streetlights, her gaze had an overflowing alluring glint…

He could not move his eyes away from hers.

Under his intense gaze, she tore the contract into half…

On a windy night, the wind blew the pieces of paper through the streets of City H…

On every piece of paper, Pei Qian's and Gu Xi's names were carved on it—just like how her love for Qin Mo slowly died down.

"Can you piggyback me now?" She sighed and her small hand hooked around his neck.

Her beautiful, small face inched closer to him, and they were so close that he could not ignore the glint in her eyes.

The night made everything alluring.

While she was like a goddess, she also was a devil who was seducing him!

Pei Qian's large hands held her shoulders… and it felt like he was carrying a poisonous object!

He told himself that he should move farther away from her.

At least for tonight.

If not, he might end up conflicted and filled with regret.

Yet, the little thing in front of him was so seductive that it actually was hard to hesitate…

In Pei Qian's life, he rarely saw such a situation.

Even if it was that person, he was never this hesitant before!

He had gripped his hand tightly before he loosened his grip… he then squatted down.

Gu Xi got on his back.

Pei Qian looked around and wanted to find a cab… He did not want to call his chauffeur to fetch him for his instincts told him no!

A car drove past them, but Gu Xi made a fuss. She said, "I don't want to sit in a car. It'll make me dizzy…"

Her voice was like a little girl as she said, "I love your piggybacks…"

It seemed that she was really drunk!

Usually, Gu Xi would not even act cute.

Pei Qian did not know why he felt that the night sky above them at that moment was really beautiful and soft…

He carried her and walked through the streets of City H.

It would take an hour if he walked to his villa, so he headed to her… apartment.

Gu Xi was sprawled over his back. After a while, the bag in her arms already felt heavy, and so she hooked it around her neck…

Pei Qian's face darkened… Luckily, there was no one near them, so he just let her be.

However, she still refused to behave. When she felt that her heels were uncomfortable, she took it off and held it.

She started to sing… Although her voice was pleasing, she… sang out of tune!

"I'm a little bee… flying to the east…" She sang in his ear while her small hands gripped him tightly.

Pei Qian would never forget that feeling forever.

It was too overwhelming.

Her small mouth blew out puffs of hot air and that sparked his desires, yet she held her heels under his nose… Even if it didn't smell, it was intolerable!

If it was in the past, he would have thrown her down to the ground long ago!

However, he had yet to abandon her. He merely slapped her butt harshly a few times…

On his back, she screamed and bit his ear.

Pei Qian felt his whole body quiver… as though electricity flowed through his body.

He gritted his teeth and did not care about her…

In the silence of the night, almost nobody was on the streets.

Only a respectable and handsome man, who was carrying an angry woman, was walking silently on the streets. They may be a little noisy sometimes because of Gu Xi's singing…

When they reached her apartment, he helped her into the lift with one hand carrying her bag and the other holding Gu Xi to prevent her from falling. To be honest, they looked quite pathetic!

The lift doors were closing when a woman aged over thirty walked in. She was well-dressed and should be Gu Xi's neighbor, Miss Ding.

Initially, Miss Ding did not notice. But after Gu Xi raised her head, she got a shock.

She then looked at Pei Qian and pulled an uneasy smile. "You are Gu Xi's…"

Because of the newspaper coverage, she was aware of Gu Xi's incident…

Gu Xi was very drunk so… was she going to have a one night stand with this man?

An intrigued gaze could be seen in Miss Ding's eyes, and maybe even a sense of envy…

She managed to find such a great man for just a one night stand! He even looked better and richer than Qin Mo!

Pei Qian looked at Miss Ding's gaze and was a little displeased… for he knew what Miss Ding was thinking.

He curled his lips and gave a faint smile. "I am Gu Xi's boyfriend."

Miss Ding was in disbelief. Hadn't she just fallen out of love a few days ago?

"Miss Ding, I'm called Pei Qian!" Pei Qian reached out his hand while Miss Ding froze on her spot. However, she unknowingly held out her hand to shake his. The handshake was rather short with just a grip.

Oh my gosh! He was indeed her boyfriend! He even knew her surname!

If he was just a one night stand, he definitely would not know.

Oh the other hand, Pei Qian had to thank Song Yazhan for sufficiently preparing Gu Xi's background information. For an unknown reason, he disliked others from using the kind of gaze Miss Ding used to look at Gu Xi.

Other than him, nobody was allowed to look down on her!

Miss Ding was still overwhelmed when the lift doors opened to the floor they lived in.

Seeing as how Pei Qian effortlessly fished out the house keys from Gu Xi's bag, she became even more convinced…

However, from what she knew of Gu Xi, she never brought Qin Mo back home to stay the night before…

Thus, she asked once more, "Mr. Pei, are you going to stay here?"

Pei Qian helped Gu Xi into the apartment as he tilted his handsome face to give her a faint smile. His eyes even had a suspicious, sultry glint. "If not?"

He paused for a moment before saying, "Miss Ding, we will be busy later so we will not stay to chat any longer."

Earlier on, Gu Xi was still in a daze, but she suddenly woke up and hugged Pei Qian. She then flashed a smile at Miss Ding. "Yeah, we will get busy!"

With that, she aggressively kissed Pei Qian's lips…

Miss Ding saw the emergence of an R-rated scene and immediately opened her apartment door. She quickly disappeared into her house!

Gu Xi messily kissed Pei Qian, but he did not move and just let her kiss him…

After a while, she looked up and her eyes brimmed with tears. She then lowered her head again and… bit his lips!

Did she think she was a dog?… Pei Qian helplessly smiled and held her waist before pulling her towards him…