Are You Done Looking?

Pei Qian momentarily froze before continuing to dry his hair.

Qin Mo caught a glimpse of Pei Qian's elusive yet satisfied smile. As a man, Qin Mo naturally understood the meaning behind his smile.

A flush of anger crept up his heart, and he quickly walked forward…

It was as if both of them transformed into beasts and started fighting all of a sudden…

With things falling here and there, they fought from one corner of a room to another.

No matter how calm a person Gu Xi was, it still did not seem appropriate to have two men fighting in her bedroom. Besides, Pei Qian barely had anything on.

"Get the hell out of here!" Qin Mo growled while punching Pei Qian.

Pei Qian wiped the bloodstain near the corner of his mouth. 'This rascal is so ruthless! He is really risking his life for this!'

He curled his lips up and smiled. "You should be the one getting out, not me. By the way, I have not congratulated you yet!"

Qin Mo pounced on him again.

As a result, things started to get way out of hand. Gu Xi rushed over to stop them. Qin Mo was quick to his actions and stopped his hand just in time; otherwise, he would have punched her cute little face.

His facial expression turned a little pale upon realizing what he had almost done!

However, Pei Qian was not as soft-hearted as him. He raised his hand and swung it towards Qin Mo's face while Qin Mo was still in a daze.

A trace of Pei Qian's glorious achievement could be seen on Qin Mo's face.

"Stop fighting!" Gu Xi held her anger in and pointed towards the door. "Get out if you want to fight, or else I will call the cops!"

Qin Mo covered his face with his hand while Pei Qian strangely still had the towel in his hands.

He stood up and side-eyed Qin Mo. "That's right, get out!"

Gu Xi looked at him. "Mr. Pei, you too!"

She pushed them out of the door with a fierce expression on her face. She looked as though she was a lunatic.

Pei Qian was not even back to his senses, but Gu Xi already closed the door with a loud slam.

Qin Mo covered his face with his hand while facing his side-profile towards Pei Qian. "Are you going to walk around nude?"

Pie Qian could obviously tell that he was gloating just from his tone of voice.

Pei Qian felt a little annoyed at that brat, Gu Xi. She should know that if it wasn't for him last night, she would have been eaten by a pack of wolves.

Screw it…

Although Pei Qian was angry, he still curled his lips up. "If it wasn't for your intrusion this morning, Gu Xi and I would have spent a beautiful morning together."

Qin Mo clenched his fists and left the scene with gritted teeth.

What was left for him to say? He knew Gu Xi very well. If Pei Qian and Gu Xi were simply business partners, she definitely wouldn't bring Pei Qian to her condominium apartment.

He gave a light chuckle. 'Gu Xi. Do you hate me that much? Are you that desperate to ruin yourself?'

He drove himself back to the Qin Residences. He entered the living room, only to hear laughter ringing from inside.

Glancing over, Qin Mo saw Lin Wan and Tang Xinru chatting with each other. Upon seeing that Qin Mo had come back, Lin Yan gave a warm smile. "Qin Mo!"

Tang Xinru stood up and slowly walked towards him. "Qin Mo, where did you go this morning?"

Qin Mo stood there as he watched this familiar yet foreign lady walk towards him. This very lady was carrying his child in her womb. However, he really had no feelings for her at all… Not even one bit…

He could even feel the light around him dimming bit by bit with every step she took towards him.

His ray of light was Gu Xi. When he saw Gu Xi for the first time, he felt as if she was a green leafy plant. She impressed him with her refreshing and natural aura.

He was not a greedy person, but he wanted to possess her the moment he saw her.

Tang Xinru raised her head to face Qin Mo and wanted to reach out to touch his forehead, but Qin Mo avoided it.

"I am very tired. I am going to rest." With that said, Qin Mo slowly walked up the stairs.

Tang Xinru clenched her fists and her facial expression turned a little sour.

Lin Wan gave a gentle smile. "Xinru, Qin Mo doesn't seem to be in a good mood today, so please don't take it to heart. I will ask his dad to scold him later."

Tang Xinru forced a smile out. "I understand. I won't blame him."

"That's great!" Lin Wan stood up. "I still have some matters to settle. You can sit here for a while."

Tang Xinru nodded her head, and it was not until Lin Wan left that she loosened up.

Looking at this luxurious house, although it seemed that she was already accepted into the family, she knew it wasn't the case.

How could she not know what that sly old fox Qin Song was planning? Even Lin Wan as well. Although she seemed very polite, she was clearly putting on airs and even looked down on her.

'Who was she to look down on me? Besides, she's no different.'

Well, at least she was marrying an unmarried man. That old man, on the other hand, married so many wives.

Everybody in City H was aware of that!

A somber expression flashed past Tang Xinru's face. 'Lin Wan, I heard that you are not allowed to give birth to kids. Who are you to look down on me? From how I see it, you are just a chicken who cannot lay eggs!'

Pei Qian just stood in front of Gu Xi's door and waited. His phone was still inside her house.

Since he was too prideful to even knock on her door, he simply stood there and waited for Song Yazhan to bring another phone over.

Miss Ding, who was living next door, came out of her house in her sportswear. She seemed to be going out for her morning jog.

When she saw Pei Qian standing in front of the door with almost nothing on him, she widened her jaw in awe and stared at him for a good few minutes before greeting him. "Mr. Pei!"

'Oh gosh! What a good body he has!'

As a normal lady, Miss Ding placed her focus on that thin material on his…

She could not take her eyes off it, and with that, she already had a good understanding of how big he was.

"Are you done looking?" The corner of Pei Qian's mouth twitched. 'This woman is really impolite!'

Miss Ding retracted her gaze and looked towards Gu Xi's apartment before raising her eyebrows. "Good luck with that!"

"Thank you." Pei Qian's tone was neither hostile nor polite. Usually, he would have gotten someone to immediately drag this woman out of his sight.

Miss Ding left and he had to wait for another twenty minutes before Song Yazhan slowly made his way there.

Upon seeing his boss' pathetic state, he was stumped as he looked at Pei Qian. "Were you… robbed?"

Pei Qian had never looked so pathetic in his life. He took the clothes from Song Yazhan and wore it. While doing his tie, he simply said, "Qin Mo came over this morning."

Song Yazhan pointed to the door. "So… he stayed and you were chased out?"

Pei Qian finished dressing up and transformed back to the gentleman he was before. He harrumphed. "How could that happen?"

Song Yazhan understood his words. It seemed that both of them were chased out of her house.

Pei Qian glanced at Gu Xi's house number and walked towards the lift. "How is the preparation going for the meeting at ten a.m.?"

"All is ready except for the opportunity." Song Yazhan wore a mysterious expression on his face.

Pei Qian curled his lips up and went down the lift with him. They then got in his car.

After he had entered the car, he put his hand out. "Pass me the phone!"

Song Yazhan passed the phone to Pei Qian and started the car. He then heard his boss speaking in a stern tone of voice. He said, "Bring my phone to my office this afternoon!"

'What the hell? Why must he ask her to bring his phone to his office when he was just outside her door just now?'

His actions deeply stumped Song Yazhan…