I Wanted to Give You a Surprise

Mo Yan gave a faint smile before standing up. "I have something on later, so I will get going first."

She winked at Pei Qian. "Remember to write a cheque and give it to my assistant."

Pei Qian continued sitting there while taking small sips of his wine. "Of course."

Mo Yan chuckled. Just when she had taken two steps out the door, she realized that a bunch of reporters was crowding outside.

Although she was used to such big scenes, there was a glint of displeasure in her eyes.

However, she quickly hid her emotions and took two steps back. Pei Qian also stood up and walked to her side.

What a pleasing sight to have a handsome lad standing beside a beautiful maiden! One could not help but associate one with the other.

The reporters suddenly quickly aimed their cameras at Pei Qian…

"Miss Mo, may I ask how Mr. Pei is related to you?" The reporter passed the mike over to Mo Yan.

Mo Yan was used to handling such situations. She hooked her arm around Pei Qian's arm and mischievously said, "Well, you have to ask Mr. Pei for the answer."

Suddenly, all of the reporters started flashing their cameras at them.

Pei Qian was a little displeased because Mo Yan's response clearly crossed the line.

Yes, they were old classmates, but… they were not that familiar with each other, or rather they were not that close with each other.

He discreetly kept his distance from her which Mo Yan unfortunately noticed. That small gesture of his caused her to feel a little dispirited.

She dug her fingernails into her palm while still keeping a smile on her face. "Mr. Pei is just my former classmate. Please don't spread baseless rumors…"

"Mo Yan is a very outstanding celebrity…" Pei Qian politely said, "I admire her very much."

When he said that, Mo Yan side-eyed him while feeling a tinge of regret.

When the reporters left the scene, Pei Qian fished out his car keys. "Let's leave together."

Both of them drove their own cars; however, being the gentleman he was, Pei Qian waited for Mo Yan to enter her own car before he could enter his own. Mo Yan suddenly called out for him. "Pei Qian!"

Pei Qian turned around to face her.

Mo Yan had a strange expression on her face. In a soft tone of voice, she asked, "If I am that outstanding, why didn't you…"

She suddenly shook her head. "Why didn't any boy woo me back then?"

Stumped by her question, Pei Qian chuckled. "Perhaps your expectations were too high back then."

Mo Yan lowered her head. "Regardless of how high my expectations were back then, it would have been tamed down in the entertainment industry."

Pei Qian stared at her in silence.

Mo Yan mustered up her courage, and he asked, "What about you? Do you still think about her?"

Pei Qian maintained a stoic expression. "You ask too much."

Mo Yan bit her lower lip, but it seemed as though she wanted to carry on the conversation. In the end, she simply started the car without a word.

He claimed that her expectations were too high, but she knew that wasn't it.

She always had someone in her heart, but that person never took her seriously. Regardless of how striking her beauty was, he never gave her a chance.

Actually, she had always been suspicious of whether Pei Qian could even love somebody.

Although he had a girlfriend in his university years, his girlfriend never once thought that he loved her. Or at the very least, she claimed to have not seen any traces of love in his eyes.

Hence, she kept waiting for the past few years. Unfortunately, the outcome was not what she had wished for.

She became a dazzling star while he became the prodigy of City H.

They seemed to have grown closer—an entrepreneur and a female celebrity… How matching would that be?

However, she knew deep down in her heart that he did not harbor any designs on her nor had anything common between them besides the fact that they were classmates in university.

Or perhaps he was acutely aware of her infatuation but decided to ignore her to make her give up. With that, it would deter her from confessing her true feelings for him…

Mo Yan drove her car and gave a light chuckle. She felt something wet flowing down her face. When she reached out to touch it, she realized that it was her tears.

It was time for her to give up. After all, if he really liked her, he wouldn't let go of her hand.

Pei Qian probably already had someone in his heart.

That gentle tone he used when he talked about that girl… It was nothing like what she had seen before.

Perhaps it was time for her to give up and find a love that solely belonged to her.

After Pei Qian had entered his car, he did not start the car immediately. Instead, he dialed Gu Xi's phone number.

Of course, her phone was turned off.

He curled his lips up…

He did not call her anymore and started the car to leave.

Considering how that little fox called him on her own accord, it was obvious that she needed his help. Well, if that was the case, there was no harm in waiting a little longer.

Pei Qian's guess was right. After contemplating for one whole afternoon, Gu Xi finally turned on her phone before she knocked off. She then called him.

"Hi, this is Pei Qian." His voice sounded as normal as per usual.

Gu Xi pursed her lips. "I—I came back earlier than scheduled."

"Oh?" Pei Qian stood in front of the wine cabinet located at a corner of his office. He poured some wine for himself while talking on the phone. "Are you in City H now?"

Gu Xi replied with a simple yes.

Pei Qian lightly chuckled. "Miss Gu, are you insulting my intelligence? It hasn't been eight hours since you last called, and you even told me you were in France or something. Now you're telling me that you're back in City H?"

He paused for a moment. "Miss Gu, did you sit on a spaceship or what?"

Gu Xi bit her lower lip and screwed his ancestors a few thousand times in her heart.

"I wanted to give you a surprise!" Even Gu Xi cringed when she said it.

Pei Qian lightly chuckled. "If you want to give me a surprise, come over to my place tonight."

Gu Xi remained silent.

"I thought you wanted to give me a surprise?" Pei Qian regretfully added, "If you are tired, it's fine."

"I'll go," Gu Xi immediately said. She was afraid that he might put down the phone.

Pei Qian's tone had a flirty hint to it. "I will be waiting for you."

Gu Xi ended the call and almost wanted to scream in anger.

'Vulgar bastard!'

Just when Gu Xi was throwing a fit, Lin Yunzhi opened the door and entered her office.

She leaned against the door and chuckled. "Manager Gu, are you trying to mimic an animal or what?"

Gu Xi immediately stopped and tidied her clothes. She regained her composure and returned to her mighty self. "You have something to tell me?"

"It's already time to knock off! I am waiting for you so that we could go home together," reminded Lin Yunzhi in a lazy tone of voice. She looked at Gu Xi's expression and purposely added, "Perhaps the Old Master has already chosen two fine men for us and is waiting for us at home."

Gu Xi glanced at her. "You can enjoy it yourself. I have something on tonight."

"Is it a man?" Lin Yunzhi looked interested.

Gu Xi turned around and walked towards her chair. She sat down and turned her chair towards the direction of the door. "Secretary Lin, it's not good to talk about private matters at work. Alright, you can knock off now."

Lin Yunzhi closed the door with a smile on her face and laughed the moment she was outside.

It seemed that Tang Xinru's call helped Pei Qian.