Xiao Xixi Was Angry

Startled by that realization, Lin Yunzhi immediately shook Gu Xi's body. "Gu Xi wake up. Go back to your room to sleep!"

After being called a few times, Gu Xi woke up.

She opened her hazy eyes and looked at Lin Yunzhi. She said in a hoarse voice, "What time is it?"

Lin Yunzhi replied in a gentle tone of voice, "It's already noon. Gu Xi, you are having a fever."

Gu Xi looked at Lin Yunzhi and suddenly hugged her arm. In a soft and cute voice, she said, "In that case, you have to accompany me too!"

Lin Yunzhi felt a little helpless and pinched Gu Xi's nose. "You are so clingy!"

Gu Xi rubbed her face on her arm like a sick cat.

"Alright, go to your room to sleep. I will boil some water for you so you can take your medicine later." Lin Yunzhi's voice sounded especially gentle today.

Gu Xi was just like a little cat. She clung onto Lin Yunzhi for a good few minutes before getting up to dawdle towards her bedroom.

Before Lin Yunzhi went to boil the water, she had commanded, "Take a hot bath first!"

She shook her head in disapproval. "Don't even think about drinking alcohol again!"

How fantastic can she be! She just drank alcohol and got herself sick! She even caught a cold!

After she had boiled the water, she entered the room to check on Gu Xi, only to realize that she was not there. She opened the bathroom door and saw Gu Xi lying in the bathtub with her eyes closed. Her eyelashes cast a long shadow below her eyes, making her fair and clear face look more delicate and charming than usual.

Lin Yunzhi admired the currently sleeping Gu Xi for a while before waking her up. "Gu Xi, wake up. You've been here for too long, even the water is getting cold!"

Actually, Gu Xi was not really asleep. She was just a little tired.

She opened her eyes. "Where's my medicine?"

Lin Yunzhi swatted her hand away. "It's in the room. Come here and eat your medicine!"

Gu Xi pouted. "Get out first."

However, instead of obeying her, Lin Yunzhi bent down and drew closer to her…

Gu Xi looked at her with a frightened look on her face. "What are you trying to do?"

Lin Yunzhi's nose was very near hers and a hint of tease could be heard in her voice. "Gu Xi, I have everything that you have, but you don't have everything that I need… What do you think I am going to do?"

Gu Xi's face turned pale before it flushed red. She splashed some water on Lin Yunzhi. "Lin Yunzhi, since when did you become so indecent?"

Lin Yunzhi laughed. "Is Xiao Xixi angry?"

Gu Xi sat in the tub and splashed water at her again.

Lin Yunzhi immediately left the room out of instinct.

Gu Xi stepped out of the bathtub and used a towel to dry herself. She walked out of the bathroom with a clean white towel wrapped around her young body.

A tablet and a cup of ginger tea were placed on the coffee table.

"Drink it while it's still hot!" Lin Yunzhi sat on Gu Xi's opposite and looked at her as thin as a prawn body. She chuckled. "Sleep a little longer while I go and whip something up."

Gu Xi almost spat her ginger tea out. "You're cooking?"

"You don't believe me?" Lin Yunzhi folded up her sleeves. "I bet you will like it!"

Gu Xi secretly laughed. "Can I fire my cooking auntie in the future?"

Lin Yunzhi flicked her forehead. "You wish! My salary is only so much and yet, I have to take on two jobs?"

With that said, she suddenly remembered something. "Gu Xi, you've planned it all, didn't you? Are you planning to make my whole family slaves for the Gu Family?"

Gu Xi drank her ginger tea and wore a blissful expression on her face. "What do you mean by being my slave? Stop talking about our Gu Family, would you? It's not like you at all!"

Lin Yunzhi harrumphed. "Cut the crap! My surname is Lin!"

After she said that, she walked out of the room and Gu Xi stuck her tongue out.

How stubborn!

After Lin Yunzhi had accompanied Gu Xi to eat lunch, she watched her fall asleep again.

Gu Xi woke up in a blur, but then she heard Lin Yunzhi calling her name. She opened her eyes and Lin Yunzhi stuffed her phone into her hands. "Pei Qian is calling you!"

Although she was not totally awake, Gu Xi thought that it was mean of her if she ignored his call. Hence, she sat up and fixed her hair before looking towards Lin Yunzhi to signal her to leave the room.

Lin Yunzhi glared at her before walking out.

On the other side of the phone, she could hear Pei Qian's gentle voice. "I will come to fetch you later?"

Gu Xi sat upright again and looked at the watch beside her. It was already six in the evening!

It was about time for her to dress-up.

Besides, she was Pei Qian's date and so it was reasonable that she came with him. Otherwise, it would be very weird.

She replied with a simple 'okay.'

Pei Qian suddenly asked, "Gu Xi, what color are you going to wear tonight?"

Gu Xi was a little stumped. She hadn't thought about it yet…

It would be too late to order a dress now. 'I should have a few emergency dresses…'

She pondered for a moment. "It should be white."

"Okay," said Pei Qian. 'Why did he say okay?' Gu Xi thought.

She ended the call and was still deep in her thoughts. Lin Yunzhi snatched her phone away and looked at her. "Why do I feel like you are playing with fire?"

Gu Xi blushed. "What do you mean by playing with fire? I don't understand."

"Stop pretending! Do you think you can hide anything from me?" Lin Yunzhi used her phone to hit her head. "Be careful! Don't let Pei Qian sell you off and still count money for him!"

Gu Xi glared at her. "If you say one more word about him, I will… I will fire you!"

Lin Yunzhi gave her an impolite look. "Gu Xi, acting cute doesn't work on me. I can't marry you, anyway."

She even gave a light chuckle. "I could only be your family's slave at best and make my master happy!"

With that said, she tidied up her stuff and measured Gu Xi's temperature again. Luckily, her temperature went down.

Since Pei Qian was coming, it was not convenient for her to stay. When she left, she looked at Gu Xi. "Promise me that you will leave Pei Qian once everything is over."

Lin Yunzhi then firmly said, "Gu Xi, you are not his match!"

She knew Song Yazhan too well. For such a scheming person like him to serve Pei Qian so willingly, his master must definitely be a black-bellied person.

Although Xiao Xixi was not stupid, she definitely wasn't this bad man's match.

Gu Xi bit her lip. "Yunzhi, I know what I am doing!"

Lin Yunzhi laughed. "You know nothing! Gu Xi, do you think you will sign the contract if Pei Qian was an ugly old fogey?"

Gu Xi wanted to rebut her, but Lin Yunzhi had already taken her stuff and left. Before she left, she had said, "Gu Xi, you are being seduced…"

Seduce? Wasn't the word 'seduce' usually used on men?

Despite her sour expression, she couldn't help but blush madly at Lin Yunzhi's words.

She sat on the sofa in a daze and her doorbell rang. She thought Lin Yunzhi had forgotten to take something and opened the door while complaining. "It's not like Pei Qian is that handsome. I am not seduced…"

She opened the door and upon seeing the person at her door, she could not help but take a step backward.

The usually calm Gu Xi could not stay calm anymore. She stuttered, "I… t-thought…"

"Oh, I get it now. So in your opinion, I am not considered handsome," Pei Qian said it while parading into her house.