Big brother has always been repaying a debt of gratitude

When they arrived at her second aunt's house, the dishes were almost done. Song ran then remembered to ask Gu jinghang, " "Where's your brother? I haven't seen him for a day."

he started school today. He's staying in the dormitory and left early in the morning.

Song ran nodded her head in confusion. oh my, now that I think about it, he's the same age as me. He's 18. Look at you. You're an old cow who's gnawing on young grass.

Gu jinghang glanced at her. you silly girl. Is that how you describe me? "  

Song ran giggled. isn't it just like an old cow gnawing on young grass? "  

As the two of them chatted and laughed, the meal was already served.

Gu Weiguo's family sat around the table. The second aunt wanted guoying to sit next to Gu jinghang, but song ran stuck to her so tightly that ding guoying could not get in.