Following song ran (extra)

At six or seven o 'clock, it was the busiest time for all the small shops along the street. Teahouses, restaurants, Mahjong houses, and bread shops were full of people. On the sidewalk, there were occasionally old men returning home with birdcages, and mother-in-law bringing their grandchildren home from school.

Wen Huihui followed song ran at a distance that was neither too far nor too close. She was afraid that she would lose sight of song ran and her taxi fare would be wasted.

She was practically sticking to the corner of the wall as she followed song ran. Song ran seemed to be at ease. She even bought a Begonia cake by the roadside and ate it while walking.

Wen Huihui gritted her teeth and followed him.

Suddenly, the person in front flashed and disappeared in a flash.

Wen Huihui was a little flustered. She was worried that song ran had noticed her.