Chapter 153 you end up being tricked

The bus slowly passed through the city along the narrow streets. The fragrance of Osmanthus filled the nose, refreshing the heart. All the troubles disappeared in an instant.

In Xinxiang Village of an city, the busy farming work had come to an end. Without Gu jinghang as a capable helper, the second aunt and ding guoying's work was very tiring. They took out all their anger on the Gu family.

The two rice-drying venues were adjacent to each other. In the evening, Wu guixiang and Gu Weiguo pushed the rice up and poured it into the snakeskin bag.

The rice had been under the sun for a day, and every shovel was hot and smelled of the sun. This year's harvest was good. When they came to harvest the rice, they could save some money again. The couple had smiles on their faces.

On the side, the second aunt said in a strange tone, " "Aiyo, Jing Xing's feelings are to go to other people's city to be someone's home."