I'll feed you?

After song ran had walked away, another person stood beside the mailbox. It was Shen mengfang. She looked around sneakily.

Not long after, the postman rode his bicycle over slowly, opened the door under the mailbox, and began to collect the letters.

Shen mengfang hurried over and said with a smile, " comrade, I have a letter to an city. I seem to have forgotten the postcode. Can you let me add it? "

The postman picked and picked, then handed the letter to Shen mengfang. "This letter? The post code is written."

"Let me see, let me see."

Qingshan province, Ancheng city, Antai County, Qinnan village, Xinxiang Village, group four--

The smile on Shen mengfang's face disappeared as she handed the letter to the postman. "Oh, I remembered it wrong, I remembered it wrong. I'm sorry comrade, I took up your time."

"It's fine, it's fine," the postman smiled.