He will be the richest man in Haicheng

As he approached, a book hit his face. The back of the book hit his nose, and the pain woke him up.

He wasn't dreaming!

Song Xuan actually took the initiative to look for him!

His future sister-in-law was really a Big Shot. She gave him money and even sent his beloved girl to his door.

Well, this dream was a little too much.

Song Xuan gritted her teeth and looked at him. your purpose in getting close to me was to cheat my sister of her money, right? "  

Yang Haitao's beautiful dream was shattered into pieces. He looked at song ran in confusion. Song ran looked at him guiltily and did not say anything.

Song ran believed in yang Haitao. Based on yang Haitao's achievements in the future, he would definitely be a tough character who was good with words.

She had given him the opportunity to interact with her, and he would have to rely on himself from now on.