Give Shen mengfang a slap

Song ran looked at her expressionlessly. The scene was still vivid in her mind. She denied that it was the same scene when she stole the sample.

The only difference was that song ran did not steal the sample, but Wen Huihui did steal her notebook.

Song ran said coldly, " you knocked the stack of books on my desk onto the floor and found my notebook. You've always liked it and wanted to take it for yourself. So, you stole it. Huihui, didn't you do the same? "

Wen Huihui stared at song ran in horror. Why did it seem like she had seen it with her own eyes?

Song ran sneered in her heart. The books on her desk were all out of order. Wouldn't she be able to figure it out with a little deduction?

"Wen Huihui, what else do you have to say?" teacher Gao looked at her in disgust.

Wen Huihui's hands were on the edge of the desk, her veins bulging. She repeated mechanically, " "I didn't steal the notebook, I didn't steal it."