The harmonica saved my life

"What first time?" he asked. Wasn't it when we went on a blind date at the Western restaurant in the red House?"

Song ran looked at him suspiciously. the Research Institute. My uncle said that you were the one who asked someone to look for him and ask him to be your matchmaker. By right, you should have seen me before. That's why you looked for my uncle, right? " How come I don't have any impression of it?"

Gu jinghang ruffled her hair. ran, " he said, " hurry up and do your homework.

Song ran was dumbfounded. Jinghang actually had a secret that he refused to tell her?

She grabbed Gu jinghang's hand. I'll be lenient if you confess. I'll be strict if you resist. Are you going to tell me or not? "

"I don't remember," Gu jinghang pretended to be confused.

Song ran pretended to strangle him. are you going to be tortured before you confess? " she asked. &Nbsp;

Gu jinghang waved his hand. I don't remember. I really don't remember.