I'm lucky to get it, but I'm destined to lose it

Song Xuan glanced at her with a complicated expression and said to aunt Wu, who was peeling walnuts, " "Is this girl stupid? How many times have we heard this sound tonight?"

Mother Wu crushed the walnut in her hand with a pair of pliers as she said, " "No matter what, it should be at least ten times."

Song Xuan reached out her hand and took the book from song ran's hand. Song ran was still in a daze. She was not reading at all. How could she have noticed that the book had been taken away?

Song Xuan pinched her face. song ran, you're making fun of me. Song ran.  

Song ran then realized that her sister was calling her. She quickly smiled and said, " "What's wrong, sis? What's the matter?"

"What's wrong?" song Xuan raised her eyebrows and asked. He's been laughing like an idiot for a while now."

Song ran asked,'sis, do you really want to hear it? Didn't you say that you didn't like hearing me mention team leader Gu?"