Chapter 268 heart cold

Gu jinghang nodded. sure, sure. Comrade, I'm going out to buy some porridge. Can you please take care of song ran from Room 305? "

"Okay, okay." The young nurse nodded.

Gu jinghang thanked her and left the hospital in a hurry.

It was 3:30 A. M. In late November. The wind was cold and biting. Gu jinghang left the hospital and turned right. He tightened his coat and followed the street lights in twos and threes before turning left at Chang 'Hui road. After walking for a long time, he finally saw the road sign for three Yuan Lane.

Sure enough, in the depths of the alley, a dim yellow light hung at the door. The alley was dark everywhere except for that one spot. The cold wind and the light were compared, and people couldn't help but walk towards the small shop.

The shopkeeper was a woman in her fifties, and she was taking a nap by the fire. When she heard the sound of the curtain being lifted, she immediately opened her eyes and warmly greeted him.