The college entrance exam is coming

They checked again and handed in their university application forms. Then, they left the lecture hall happily.

Wen Huihui sat in another corner with a dark expression on her face. She really wanted to fill in only one application, which was Haicheng Drama Academy. It was the first place in Haicheng's cultural and art school, as well as the first place in the country's cultural and art school.

Many of those who came out of the sea drama industry had become influential figures in the entertainment industry. When she graduated, she would go to those people and call herself a Little Junior Sister. The big shots would always take care of her, and her path would be much easier.

But how could she be so willful? Her score was not guaranteed for the drama school, so she filled in two choices. The first was Haicheng Drama Academy, and the second was Haiyuan art school.