Chapter 319-not accepting students

When song Xuan saw song ran, she rushed over in worry and anger. "What did you do? You're back so late."

Song ran hugged her sister and said with a hoarse voice, " "Your sister has returned safely."

Song ran didn't tell her sister in detail what happened that night. It was just a matter of concern for tu Tian and the others. She only told her that she met a robber. Fortunately, Yao Xifeng passed by and saved her.

Just hearing this, song Xuan was so scared that her face turned pale. She shrieked, " you've forgotten the pain after the scar healed. Did you forget that summer vacation in your third year of junior high? when you came home at night, you were almost teased and teased by someone else? "

it's alright, it's alright, " song ran consoled her. &Nbsp;

Song Xuan was so angry that she gave her a lot of instructions and told her not to return late in the future.

Song ran agreed to all of them.