I can't wait to teach those bad guys a lesson

Gu jinghang carried the coal stove and was about to go out to start a fire. Song ran wanted to go out with him but he stopped her. "It's cold outside, you can wait in the house."

After he finished speaking, he walked out expressionlessly.

Song ran walked to the window and looked down. In the courtyard, Gu jinghang was half-squatting beside the coal stove. He stuffed a honeycomb briquet into the stove and some broken wood pieces into it. He then placed a handful of hay on top and took out a match. With his back facing the wind, he lit the hay with a whoosh. He quickly waved the small fan in his hand and fanned it towards the vent under the stove. Thick smoke rose and he seemed to cough twice before he focused on Fanning it.

They were on the third floor, which was not very high. She could clearly see Gu jinghang's expression from the window. He had been frowning and seemed to be in a bad mood.