Chapter 432-martial ability immediately determines the universe

Two days later, Gu jinghang's walkie-talkie was completely out of battery. Song ran lost contact with him completely and she started to feel anxious and uneasy again.

She wished she could run to the excavator and control it, but she couldn't. She would only be a hindrance.

She could only walk around uneasily with the walkie-talkie in her hand. Every few minutes, she would ask Section Chief Zhang when she would be able to dig through. Section Chief Zhang was very patient and told her every time that she should be able to do it soon, so she didn't need to worry.

How could song ran not be worried?

Gu jinghang had been pressed on the ground for four days and four nights. He had nothing to eat for four days and four nights. He could only drink a small sip of water every time.

From his voice, he should be injured.

In such a dangerous situation, would he be able to hold on? Would he be able to successfully hold on until he was rescued?