Have you ever thought about me?

In the corridor, song ran pinched him on the waist. "Why did you come here?"

Gu jinghang chuckled. Da Peng said that you brought two bags of fruits to the nurses 'station to pick a fight with them. I was afraid that you would be outnumbered if a fight really broke out. So, I came to help you.

Song ran: " Humph! Deputy Section Chief Gu is always popular wherever he goes. There must be a lot of young nurses who come to you to please him, right? "

Gu jinghang felt wronged. didn't du Dapeng tell you that I want a male nurse and a head nurse who is about 40 years old? "  

Song ran pinched his waist again. "Actually, you can choose. I looked around just now, and there are a few young nurses who look perfectly fine."

Upon entering the ward, Gu jinghang loosened his grip on the walking stick and it fell to the ground. His eyes were burning as he said, " "You want me to choose?"