Earning money is for you to spend

Song ran's expression was pained. other parts of my body are hot, but my stomach still hurts. My back is still cold.  

Because of the hot water bottle, her stomach was still fine, but her back and legs were still cold. It was really terrible.

He helped her to cover it.

"Is it better?"

yes, " song ran replied with a nasal voice. I do.

Gu jinghang's palm was still on her back. Song ran's pain slowly disappeared. Once the pain disappeared, she became extremely tired and fell asleep.

When Gu jinghang saw that she had finally fallen asleep, his brows relaxed.

He moved a stool and sat by the bed against the wall. He looked at her quietly and guarded her quietly.

The sky brightened. The chirping of the birds outside the window was endless. Song ran moved her body and her hand drooped to the side of the bed. She touched Gu jinghang's leg.