Wouldn't that be like sending a sheep into a Tiger's mouth?

She adjusted her breathing and tried her best to tell herself, " Wen Huihui, forget everything. Forget that I'm song ran. Forget that I'm the song ran you hate the most. Treat me as Nangong Yan. Treat me as the Nangong Yan you love.

Oh, this was really more painful than killing her. This was completely using a soft knife to slowly stab her. This was the ultimate punishment.

Song ran, that b * tch, why did she take on a man's role? was it just to torture her?

Despicable b * tch!

The director threw the script in his hand away and said in an unusually stern voice, " it's a look of admiration, not hatred. Wen Huihui, what are you doing? "

Song ran was watching the show from the sidelines while Wen Huihui was a little flustered. The director's anger seemed to have reached its peak. If she did not adjust her state of mind, she might be abandoned.