You're playing The Little Prince


Song ran looked at her with her mouth agape. This Feng Baoer didn't seem to play by the rules. Song ran was stunned and speechless. Feng Baoer reached out and touched her head."Are you stunned?"

Song ran regained her senses. I've been filming for a month. This is the first time you've complimented me.  

Feng Baoer laughed casually. Am I usually this mean?"

just a little, " song ran said while pointing her finger at him. &Nbsp;

Feng Bao 'er pushed her head. I'm complimenting you, but you're saying that I'm mean. You're the mean one, aren't you, song ran? "

Song ran laughed out loud, but her worries were greatly reduced by Feng Baoer's praise.

That's right. Even if she was forced to join the crew because of nepotism, at least she was professional. The staff and the actors involved should all be able to see that.

Obviously, some people were very easy to follow others 'words, and not everyone could see her talent and hard work.