Arrived in time

Song ran threw her hands up. Forget it. It was already the highest praise that supervisor li could give her. She should be content.

Then, director li and the Deputy station heads of the TV station whispered to each other. The Deputy station heads were still nodding their heads repeatedly, looking quite satisfied.

There was a sudden noise at the back door of the theater. Song ran turned around and saw ruan Qing in a black long-sleeved dress with a bouquet of flowers in her hand.

Eh? Song ran was a little surprised. She did not seem to have any personal relationship with ruan Qing.

Ruan Qing held the flowers and walked slowly to the first row under everyone's gaze. She handed the flowers to song ran and said with a smile, " first of all, I'd like to congratulate you on the success of your TV series, my Little Junior Sister.