Then I'll wait for you

That night, Gu jinghang stayed over at the song family's house.

At the dinner table, other than the song family, only dongzi was sitting with them.

"Where's your boss?" song ran teased. And uncle Zhong? Why didn't you come back for dinner?"

As Dong Zi gnawed on the chicken leg, he mumbled, the boss said that he has closed some project and has a dinner appointment tonight. He will probably be back a little later.

Song ran looked at her sister. Oh, sis, do you want to wait next door after dinner? after all, boss yang has been working so hard to start his own business. You should at least show some appreciation.

Song Xuan raised her eyebrows and looked at her. vice Section Chief Gu is here. I will give you some face.  

Gu jinghang expressed his gratitude sincerely. Song ran's eyes widened. silly child, there's no need to thank me. Don't encourage her to bully the weak.