Song ran is not on stage

On Friday night, Gu jinghang suddenly came looking for her. Song ran felt a little guilty. She did not want Gu jinghang to know that she was trying to curry favor with the head of the hospital's wife. Firstly, it would make her seem like she was trying to suck up to him. Secondly, she was afraid that it would affect his work in the Research Institute. So, she did not want to mention it for the time being.

Therefore, when Gu jinghang came over, song ran was caught off guard. "Yueyue, why didn't you tell me that you were coming over?"

"Here's a surprise for you," Gu jinghang chuckled.

Song ran forced a smile. It was hard to say whether she was surprised or shocked.

Now that Gu jinghang was at her house, he was no longer as restrained as before. He even helped aunt Wu set the table and said, " Xiao ran, I'm free tomorrow. Why don't I take you out for a walk before it gets cold? "

Song ran's heart skipped a beat and she quickly said, " "I'm busy, I'm busy."