I want to remove your military rank

It was late at night in Haicheng in November. There was no one on the long Street. The shops on both sides of the street were closed. The street lights were dim and the distance was dark. It was just like Gu jinghang's heart. He had no one to rely on and was floating.

Yang Haitao had two packs of cigarettes in his car and he had almost finished them. The smoke in the car was suffocating. Yang Haitao didn't dare to persuade him, so he just drove around aimlessly.

"Do you know what car Han Yue came out in?"

it's a Jeep with a green license plate number of sea 86597.

then let's go to all the small hotels and take a look. If there's a Jeep, it should be quite conspicuous.

"En, Yingluo."

The hand holding the cigarette trembled non-stop.

Yang Haitao's hand was free now, and he patted his shoulder. "It'll be fine, don't worry."