Run ten laps

She reached for the gun holster on her waist. Just as she pulled the gun out, Gu Jingxing was faster than her. He snatched the gun from her hand and pulled the trigger, then pointed the muzzle at her temple.

Han Yue collapsed and was paralyzed with fear. She trembled as she looked at Gu jinghang and gritted her teeth."You dare to point a gun at me?"

Gu jinghang's eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he had gone mad. if you don't tell me where song ran is, I will not only point my gun at you, but I will also shoot you in the head. Do you believe me? "

Han Yue was scared to death, scared to the point of going soft, but she still cared about her dignity."Gu jinghang, you don't dare, you don't dare! If you dare to kill me, my dad will kill you immediately!"

Gu jinghang pointed the gun at her head and almost roared, " Han Yue, where did you take song ran? tell me!

I told you I don't know! I didn't kidnap her! I don't know anything! Han Yue insisted.