Hugging her thigh tightly

Gu jinghang was still not afraid. Deputy Director han is not giving me an explanation but the Research Institute an explanation. You are in a high position and naturally understand this more than me. I think you should know that you came all the way here because you can't bear to see Han Yue using your reputation to abuse her power here. Am I right? "

This meant that he was not giving Deputy Director han a way out.

Section Chief Zhang was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan, and he couldn't wait to directly drag this little rascal away.

Deputy Dean han was already a little angry. He gritted his teeth and said, " "I'm bringing her back, so naturally, I'll punish her severely."

Gu jinghang pressed on,'so, Deputy Director han, what kind of punishment are you going to give Han Yue? The crimes she committed are not small."