You dare to touch my woman?

Jiang Feng would usually direct her anger at song ran.

In Jiang Feng's eyes, song ran and Li Lan must have colluded with each other. They must have used their clever words to confuse Section Chief Shao and made him make such a stupid decision.

She rushed into song ran's dressing room angrily. Song ran was removing her hair in front of the dressing table. When she looked up, the person who wanted to stir up trouble rushed over again.

Really, she didn't let him have a moment of peace.

Jiang Feng was infuriated. She did not want to waste any more time with song ran. She wanted to tear the little b * tch in front of her to pieces. As soon as she made her move, the tall woman beside her grabbed her wrist. Song ran remained calm and composed. She removed the wig from her head and continued to remove the armor and Kasaya from her body.