Chapter 795-departure

The sound of a car engine came from outside the courtyard. She turned her listless eyes over and saw a Jeep stop. A tall man jumped out of the car. Through the iron gate, his smile was more dazzling than the sun in the sky.

Du Dapeng clicked his tongue. I've been in Yungui province for so many days. I've never seen boss smile like this. As expected, sister-in-law is boss 'little sun.

Aunt Wu opened the iron door and said, " Oh, Deputy Section Chief Gu! You're finally back! You don't know my ran ran ran ran!

Song ran's voice turned cold. aunt Wu, let's go to the market. We're running out of time. Let's go.

After she finished speaking, song ran dragged aunt Wu and walked forward. Aunt Wu mumbled softly, " ran, don't you want to talk to vice Section Chief Gu? "

I have nothing to say to him, " song ran gritted her teeth. &Nbsp;

Mother Wu laughed out loud,"aren't you waiting for vice Section Chief Gu's call every day?" Why are you so quiet now that you're back?"