Get out!

Song ran added, " sigh, the station chief is not happy. That means that the young lady still refuses to acknowledge them. The station chief and Mrs. Fu are really pitiful.

"So, do you want to talk to their daughter?"

Song ran shook her head. that young lady has a strong character. She doesn't look like someone who's easily persuaded. What if I try to persuade her and she's disgusted by me? wouldn't it be more of a loss than gain? " I think we can't rush this and have to take it slowly. All I can do is to spend more time with Mrs. Fu when I'm free."

Gu jinghang hugged her and raised his eyebrows at her. "Do you know how many people in the Research Institute are envious of you?"

what are you envious of? " song ran was puzzled. &Nbsp;

"I'm envious that you can freely enter and leave the chief's house."

Song ran chuckled. are you envious? " she asked. Next time, I'll bring a child with me. "

Gu jinghang pinched her cheek. I don't go through the back door.