He came at five o 'clock

'Song ran, you almost did it. You almost did it again. You tried so hard to find the real daughter for the Superintendent and wanted to bring me down completely. What a pity. You almost did it again.'

I, Wen Huihui, am not fated to die. Are you very upset?

I also like to see your dejected look.

Several prosecutors were whispering to each other. They all knew that the director was angry about the girl pretending to be his daughter. They were trying their best to sentence her to a serious crime.

When the police chief's secretary sent Wen Huihui to the Public Security Department, he had specifically instructed the police chief to give Wen Huihui a heavy punishment.

Now, not only could they not question Wen Huihui about her crimes, but they seemed to have no choice but to release her.

There was no way to explain it to the Bureau chief.