Chapter 907-justice is served

She was wearing a navy blue dress and had taken good care of herself. The fine lines at the corners of her eyes did not affect her from being a beautiful and charming middle-aged woman.

Her smile was elegant, and her eyes were calm, as if she had experienced everything in the world to be so calm.

On the contrary, Tang qingru was more anxious. He looked at the woman in front of him and said through gritted teeth, " "Why did you leave without saying goodbye?"

Yu Hu stretched out her hand. Chairman Tang, I didn't know that you smoke peony cigarettes. Give me one.

There was a faint smile on her face, but the smile did not reach her eyes. Her eyes were beautiful, but there was no warmth.

Tang qingru's eyes were cold, as if carrying a knife, but Li Jin didn't care. He leaned over and picked up a pack of cigarettes next to him. He took one out, lit it, and smoked it unhurriedly.