I have a bottom line for my patience

"You're still young," he Pinyan continued,"you'll have a lot of opportunities, right? Even if you don't mention it this year, you'll still mention it next year. So, don't be discouraged. You must continue to shine for the Research Institute and the country, understand?"

"Please rest assured, Section Chief he," Gu jinghang replied.

He Pinyan glanced at him. Of course, he did not believe that Gu jinghang would be so obedient. He coughed lightly and said, " "You don't have any opinions about the previous extermination of the poison, do you? Don't be too proud of yourself, understand? The higher-ups are most afraid of young people who think they've made a little contribution and are all day happy with it. You can't be like this, you know?"

Gu jinghang nodded his head. please rest assured, Section Chief he. I will not have such thoughts. I will be down-to-earth and continue to work hard for the Research Institute.