Look at my trembling little hands

With a plop, the woman in front of him suddenly knelt down in front of him and cried uncontrollably."Even if you have to dig out my eyes, please cure her."

Su Jingshan looked troubled and quickly helped her up. "What are you doing, Li Jin? We can't be sure that the damage to her vision is irreversible. Maybe it's just a little bit, and she'll be back to normal after two days of rest. Don't worry too much, okay?"

Lijin looked at her in despair. if she can't see because of me, " she said, " I'll die for her.

Su Jingshan consoled her. it won't happen, it won't happen. I'll go back and do a comprehensive and detailed examination on her. I'll contact you immediately if there are any problems, okay? "

"I'll leave everything to you," said Lijin, grabbing his hand.

At Changhai Hospital, song ran was pushed into the attending doctor's office. There was an eye chart hanging on the wall. The doctor did an eye test for her and found that her left eye's vision was 1.2.