I'll do long-term work for you

such a vile criminal must be severely sentenced. He must be severely sentenced. He must be severely sentenced. Do you understand? "

I understand, Sir. Also, song ran's cornea has been donated. The gauze will be removed in two days.

"Yes, I know." Tang qingru's fingers trembled.

"Sir, are you going to the hospital to visit her?"

Tang qingru took out a cigarette, lit it up, and took a puff. His brows slightly furrowed,"I'm afraid she doesn't really want to see me."

Two days later, song ran's right eye was about to see light again. Gu jinghang was so nervous that he did not sleep the entire night. He just stayed by her side and song ran slept well.

Now that the movie could be released as usual, she finally heaved a sigh of relief and put her heart at ease. As for her eyes, the doctor had always said that she was recovering well, so she would not overthink it.