Tied up again

Song Xuan gritted her teeth. I think you're the one who's going crazy. For a man, for a relationship, you're willing to give up your life. You've almost lost your life twice. What about the next time? how many lives do you have if someone kidnaps you again? " Ah? How many times can you be lucky?"

song Xuan, " song ran frowned, " I think you're being a little unreasonable.

Song Xuan's face darkened and she asked,"did you just call him by his name?" Song ran, do you only have men in your mind? You don't even care about your own sister? Am I being unreasonable? What have I done that isn't for your own good? In your heart, I am not as important as Gu jinghang, but in my heart, my sister will always come first. My sister's life is more important than anything else."