Suddenly panicked

when I was two or three years old. song ran lowered her eyes and thought carefully.

Song Xuan snorted. what nonsense are you talking about? how can a two or three-year-old child have memories? "

Song ran looked at her expectantly. think about it carefully. People say that if something important happens when you're two or three years old, you'll still have some memories.

Song Xuan frowned and fell into deep thought.

After a long while, song Xuan slowly said, " I seem to remember that on a snowy day, I chased after my mother and shouted for her. I might have wanted to go out with her, but she didn't want to take me.

Song ran's heart ached. It must have been when Li Jin abandoned them.

"What else? Do you still remember anything?"

Some distant and broken images flashed through song Xuan's mind. I'm not sure. I'm not sure if it's a memory from watching TV, or a dream, or if it's really the awkwardness I experienced.

"What is it?"