I don't want to see you

The last bit of hope in his heart was gone. It had all been killed by his father. She was someone he could not dream of. She was his biological sister. The blood of the same person flowed in their bodies.

He sighed. Perhaps he had really done something wrong in his past life, and he had to pay for it in this life.

Otherwise, why was it that her father didn't dote on her and her mother didn't love her? she had finally fallen in love with someone, but it was her own sister.

How could there be such an ill-fated relationship in the world, what a sin.

A week later, Gu jinghang was officially promoted to Section Chief. The title ceremony was held at noon. Gu jinghang's car was parked in front of the song family's mansion.

Song ran went out and realized that they had changed cars. Gu jinghang was dressed in a suit and a military cap as he leaned against the black car.