Don't walk right into the trap

In Si Nan mansion, Tang Ji 'an got into the car. Secretary Tang was reporting to him about the law firm. Tang Ji' an sat in the back seat, a little absent-minded. Suddenly, he said, " "Go and find a woman for me."

"Deputy headmaster, what kind of woman do you want me to find?" Secretary Tang stopped his report.

Tang Ji 'an lowered his eyes, his expression a little casual. "Find me a partner."

Pfft, Secretary Tang almost choked on his own saliva. Deputy Director Tang, who had never been close to women, finally had an epiphany.

That's a good relationship. Do you still need to find it? There were so many single young women in the office who were staring at the Deputy headmaster and were ready to make a move. Once this news was released, wouldn't those women rush forward one after another?

"Deputy headmaster, do you have any requests?"

"Find me an actress." Tang Ji 'an's lips curled up.

If he could make his father unhappy, he would be happy.