Don't ask around

Mu Mian looked at her script silently, preparing for the scene that was going to happen later.

Xu Fangfei seemed to have taken a fancy to her little recliner. She ran over and pointed at her chair."I'll sit on this."

Mu Mian's assistant, Cai Hua, stood up immediately. "This is mu Mian's chair. Why should she give it to you?"

Mu Mian leaned back on her chair and didn't say anything. She just looked coldly at the unreasonable Xu Fangfei.

Xu Fangfei's face was full of shrewdness, as if she was in the right. She said in a strange tone, " "If you ask me, why do I have to get this chair? I'm taking your chair today, and I'm going to take your role as the female lead tomorrow."

Mu Mian rested her chin on her hand and thought,'it seems like Xu Fangfei slept with some Big Shot. Otherwise, why would she be so arrogant?'

It seemed that this Big Shot had quite a unique taste.

"This is mu Mian's chair. How can you be so unreasonable?" Cai Hua's face was red with anger.