The taste of loneliness

So, even though she had lost her mother when she was young, she and her sister had never lacked love.

She could also throw a tantrum at Shen mengfang. Her father only told her not to quarrel with the elders verbally. Shen mengfang would also be afraid of her father and not dare to make things difficult for them on the surface.

So, it wasn't easy for her father, song Guoqing, to be like this for someone who wasn't her biological father.

Her fingers gently stroked the photo frame, and she thought of Tang qingru and Li Jin.

She didn't know what had happened back then, but Li Jin had always been calm and collected in front of her.

But she clearly remembered the fear in Li Jin's eyes when she found out she was tied up. She rushed over and hugged her. That look didn't seem like the kind of look someone would have when they abandoned a child.

As for Tang qingru, when he saw her for the first time, his eyes were full of astonishment and his face was full of shock.