Lifting a stone to smash his own foot

Her hands were on her stomach the entire time, and her eyes were full of fear. Her child, her child must not be in danger.

you'll only be obedient if you're forced to, " mother Shen said sarcastically. why didn't you just kneel down obediently just now? "

Song Xuan's breathing was a little uneven. She lowered her eyes and tried her best not to have any more conflicts with this fierce old woman.

She knew that these people were deliberately looking for trouble. The more she resisted, the more those people suppressed her.

However, she didn't expect that even if she didn't resist, that person still didn't intend to let her go.

Mother Shen lowered her head and grabbed the futon beneath song Xuan's legs. Song Xuan looked at her in shock. Mother Shen said fiercely, " "This is old Furen's futon, you are not worthy to kneel on it. Get up."