Chapter 1165-really terrible

I'm also glad that I didn't grow up in such a family and didn't grow up by that old lady's side. Otherwise, I don't know what kind of torment I would have to suffer. I don't even know if he's still alive today."

Tang qingru's heart was in pain. After song Xuan finished speaking, she directly supported yang Haitao and walked out.

In the car outside the Tang family's old residence, song Xuan and yang Haitao got into the car together. Gao Xiang quickly started the car and sped away.

Song Xuan wanted to roll up his clothes, but yang Haitao grabbed her hand and said, " "I'm fine," she said.

"Let me take a look."

She forcefully rolled up his clothes, only to realize how badly he had been scalded. His clothes were flammable, and when the candle was lit, it was instantly set on fire. A large part of his back was burned, red and blistered, looking ghastly.

"Why are you still here?" song Xuan asked, her heart in her throat. Didn't it hurt just now?"